Week of Feb. 1-14, 2016
(1) SEGUNDA (Monday): Today was a good day. We passed by the house of Marcos again to
fill out the baptism papers. AHHH, I’m
so excited! He chose the member who will
baptize him and everything. WOOT
I also
searched and searched for a place to buy a new camera, because I want to take
pictures of the baptism, but with this being a smaller city, and all cell
phones have cameras, I couldn’t find any.
Hopefully one of the new missionaries has one I can use.
The rest of
the day we visited a few members that Elder Pompeu wanted to say good-bye
to. Tomorrow might not have a journal
page, because it will be a day of bus riding.
No, never mind, I’m taking my journal. Just changed my mind. Today was day 209 of my mission.
(2) TERCA (Tuesday): Today was all bus riding and I got like 5
different calls, “Hey Elder McKee, are you on your bus? Do you know what you are doing?” Ha-ha, but now I’m here in Santa Maria
again. WOOT WOOT! And our hotel room has a TV so we plugged in
our pen drive and watched Mormon messages.
We saw the
new group of missionaries, 10 elders and 6 sisters, and not a single
American. I also didn’t see any other
American Trainers. But tomorrow I’ll
have more to write about. Today was day
210 of my mission.
(Wednesday): So, my new companion,
and son, he’s from Paraha, another state in Brazil. T he other two elders in
the house are Brazilian also. His name
is Elder Martins, and he speak English!
He already visited Utah to watch Conference. He grew up in the church, and is the first
missionary from his family. Very cool
guy. He knows the lessons well and is
excited to work.
Today we
just sat in meetings and then sat on a bus until 1:00 am. That was terrible. But now we’re here, so it’s all good. Today was day 211 of my mission.
(Thursday): So, today we used a
little bit of time after lunch to show the other elders a little of the area,
then we went to a lesson with Stefani.
She and her husband Julio went to church 2 weeks ago on the invite from
the counselor of the Bishop. They are
great. They read every thing and ask
questions. Today we taught the gospel to
her and it went very well. Elder Martins
challenged her to baptism, and she accepted!
Then, in
another house when we were knocking doors, we taught the restoration, and the 3
people accepted baptism with a date, the 27th. It’s very different teaching with a
missionary fresh out of the MTC. I can’t
imagine teaching with an American fresh out of the MTC, but Elder Martins is
very good already.
Then we had
the baptismal interview of Marcos! WOOT
WOOT! He passed! I’m super excited about him. Today was day 212 of my mission.
(5) SEXTA (Friday): So my comp, my little son, is awesome. He’s always willing to try and take the
front, in the lessons and in contacts.
Ha-ha, he ahs a lot to practice, but he’s very willing and excited to
And also,
today, every commitment, plan, and plan b’s fell through, so it was knocking
doors and practicing contacts. Ha-ha, watching
Elder Martins makes me remember how far I’ve come. To me, talking to people and starting a
conversation is 2nd nature, now, but watching him struggle and be a
little awkward, I remember how before the mission I was content to not talk to
anyone. Sometimes I just leave him to
struggle through it, and other times I help him. It’s good to have the two
sides. I always try and think about what
helped me, and then do that for him.
tomorrow we have the baptism!!
YES!! Ahhh, I am so excited!! When I met Marcos, he was basically
atheist. Him being baptized now is
seriously a miracle. Man, I love being a
missionary. Today was day 213 of my
(Saturday): MARCO WAS
BAPTIZED!!! WOOT WOOT!! There is nothing better than being a
missionary. When I met him he was
ATHEIST! But he really had a drive to
know the truth, and it was incredible to watch him grow closer to God and come
to know him. My comps feet are covered
in blisters, and he’s limping. I hadn’t
realized how fast I walk until now that I’m staying with him in the street.
Being a
trainer, and senior comp and DL is pushing me, and I’m welcoming it. I really want to be the best I can be.
I asked
Marco, after the baptism how he felt, and he said very good. His wife gave one of the talks, and he said
when she and another sister were speaking he was feeling something strong in
his chest. AHHH!! I love this man! I love this church. I’m noticing my testimony getting much
stronger, my assurance that really these things I’m teaching are true. That the Savior I represent lives and the
church I represent is His. I LOVE
talking about this gospel. Today was day
214 of my mission.
(7) DOMINGO (Sunday): So, today Marco was confirmed. After, when I looked at him, his daughter, who
is 9 and not baptized, pointed to a picture of Jesus being baptized, and I
watched Marco pointing to things, and explaining about it. I think he’ll be bishop one day.
Welerson went to church! He also went to
the baptism yesterday! He suddenly has a
big desire and is actually reading the Book of Mormon! Ha-ha!
15 years old, and has a LOT of hair.
But, he is super cool, and I am very excited about him. We are hoping to baptize him on the 20th!
A lot of
less actives also decided to randomly come to church today. That was cool. Today was day 215 of my mission.
(8) SEGUNDA (Monday): So today was P-Day, and a very good
P-day. My camera is still bad, so no
photos for home, but its fine. I bought
a TON of bananas and apples. Man, I love
Today I
learned, even more, the value of just having courage to talk to people. Just start talking. Today we did 2 contacts with rough and tough
men in front of their house, and they happily received a gente and marked other
days, too. WOOT WOOT!
So, Now
I’ll tell you a little about the new elders here. First, my comp, Elder Martins, Brazilian, 19
years old, raised in the church. Really
excited to be a missionary. Has 6 days
now in the field. Sometimes yells,
“What’s your name?” at people before saying anything else. : ) but’s he’s very
good, and is excited and ready to learn
Always anxious to talk and bear testimony.
Pessoa Da Silva, Brazilian, 18 years old, had 6 days now. Is very happy and has a POWERFUL
testimony. Cooks VERY WELL, and makes
very good juice. Very friendly, and
wants to work hard.
Alvarenga, Brazilian, 21 years old. A
year and a half on the mission. Quiet
and very chill, but has a powerful testimony as well, and a very good knowledge
of the scriptures. Soft spoken. Destroyed me at arm wrestling, then let me
Elder Martins, Jake, Elder Alvarenga, Elder Pessoa Da Silva
All very
good guys, all good, obedient missionaries.
I really don’t feel like I have any advantage being their District
leader, because I’m learning just as much from them. Sometimes, when Elder Martins is teaching or
doing something, I just let him go, because I’m learning a lot watching
him. He doesn’t yet teach or do things
with that bias that comes with experience, habits formed with time
teaching. Very interesting to watch.
today, I have to send a picture of the baptism record to the secretaries, and
so I used the camera of Elder Alvarenga, and his memory card. He had all the pictures from the last year
and a half. I connected it to the computer,
took off the foto, and then unplugged it.
40 seconds! In that time, a virus
entered and deleted ALL of his pictures!
Luckily, he had all of them backed up to a pen drive, because this is
the 4th time it’s happened to him.
But I got very scared for a second.
But today was very good. Today
was day 216 of my mission.
(9) TERCA (Tuesday): Today was a very good day. Long past are my days of not talking to
people because of fear. Every house we
pass, if I feel any desire to knock, I’ll knock.
Today we
met a woman named Vera. We asked her if
she had ever talked to missionaries and she said, no, but let us in. During the
lesson of the restoration, she cut us off and apologized for lying, but she had
met with missionaries. Her parents were
members; about 10 years ago they died.
Her daughter and brother are also members. The missionaries used to eat at her
house. She used to go to church every
week, already read the whole Book of Mormon.
She was never baptized, but almost.
When she divorced with her husband, she was close to being baptized, but
she made it sound like the members mocked her how she was now single, and she
was embarrassed and ashamed and never went to church again. She said she’s still not ready, but I could
see that we brought to her house the spirit she didn’t realize she was
missing. That lesson had a very good
spirit, and I could tell that she was feeling it, too.
Ha-ha, so
today the 2 new missionaries were talking about their welcome home parties in 2
year, talking about after the mission.
To put things in perspective, I said, “That’s great, but just remember,
until Friday, I have more months then you have days.” They didn’t think that too funny. Then Elder Alvarenga said, “That’s great,
Elder McKee, but just remember, when you have the same time as I do in the
mission, I’ll be married.” He has a year
and half. But it was super funny! Today was day 217 of my mission.
(Wednesday): Today we went to
Santiago for a zone meeting. Then came
back. By then it was 6:00 PM, so there
goes our day. Welerson wasn’t home.
But at the
district meeting, I learned that Sister Heneffer, who is from Utah, will go
home this transfer. I gave her my email
and she is going to send me a picture of the mountains. WOOT WOOT!
Also, I
think Elder Pessoa Da Silva is a big blessing in our house, because he cooks
VERY well. Today he made chicken with..
I don’t even know, but it was good.
I love big
meetings with a lot of missionaries, because by now I’m one of the older
ones. This mission was pretty small, but
then started receiving a LOT of missionaries.
I was in the last little group, before the surge. So now I’m among the oldest, with almost 8
month in the mission. To Louco! I think I’ll stay here until I have one year
in the mission. I hope so! Today was day 218 of my mission.
(11) QUINTA (Thursday): Today we had 2 lessons of GOLD. The first, remember Stefani? Her and her husband, Juliano, and her
daughter Thifany went to church one time, 3 weeks ago. They are the perfect investigators. Juliano works with the garbage truck, so he’s
only home in the mornings. With Elder
Martins’ training we can’t leave in the mornings, (now we can, I set up
something with the zone leaders), So we’ve only had lessons with Stefani. Today, we taught the restoration. At the end, She told us that after our last
visit she, in her room, prayed to God and asked if what we taught and the Book
of Mormon are true. She described the
feelings that she had as she prayed, and said she wasn’t sure but she thinks it
was the Holy Ghost. AHHH!!! We explained
the spirit more for her and helped her to realize that really it was! AHHH!
I love being a missionary! She
accepted the baptism challenge, but we didn’t mark a date because they aren’t
married. I want them to be baptized so bad!
second…the other day we met a man named Eduardo knocking doors. Today, we went
back to his house to have the first lesson.
Man, it was a powerful spirit. He
said he’s gone to a lot of churches, but not any of them follows everything he
finds in the bible, and they only ask for money. He works as security at a bank in the
mornings, and when we invited him to go to church he said he would try and
switch his hours. When we challenged him
to baptism, he accepted so fast I thought he didn’t understand and I asked
again. Ha-ha, then came a HUGE CHUVAO
(big rain), and we stayed in his house talking for another little bit, because
we were totally unprepared. We left the
house with sun and blue skies. We got to
know him very well. Maybe it’s all part
of God’s plan. He said he would read and
pray. He was very good.
Then we ran
home in the rain, and it was RAINING!!
Remember the Payson Temple Cultural Celebrations storm?? Remember how Craig said it was a normal
Brazil storm? He wasn’t lying. To Louco.
But today was awesome. We’re
working hard and seeing good results, the other Elders, too. Today was day 219 of my mission.
(12) SEXTA
(Friday): Today we WALKED! We got a reference from the other elders that
they said was really good. So, we went
to where the address should be. Nothing
was there. But we literally walked to
the end of the city. The road ended and
there was just fields. Then we returned,
didn’t even bother knocking doors because it’s SUPER far away from the church
and our time is better-spent teaching people closer to the church and our
So, all the
elders here, after seeing and hearing about my packages I receive, have all
said that they can’t wait to see the package I’ll get for Easter. Ha-ha
I don’t
think I have ever sweat more then I sweated today. My eyes started to burn. I was dripping sweat off my nose, chin, and
ears. And my hands, where all the sweat
from my arms ran. We sat and rested for
10 minutes, to dry off and cool down before entering the house of the less
active we visited.
Today was
slower, and harder, but I’m ending it feeling good. That’s what counts.
We were
practicing English in the street today.
Well, Elder Martins was, I couldn’t speak English so I stuck to Portuguese. He asked me about my girlfriend. I said, “Have you seen the best 2
years?” “Yes” “remember what happened with Roger’s
companion and his girlfriend?”
“Yes” “I don’t talk about
girlfriends with my comps.” He laughed
and told me about his. I don’t like
talking about girlfriends or girls or stuff we did before the mission very
much. It seems like it always just turns
into a contest of who can top everyone else with their exaggerated stories. So, I usually sit quiet and listen to them
talk about the ONE time they got pulled over (Just one time…how cute) by the
police, or how they can touch the bottom of the pool. But they all love to looks at my
pictures. Today was day 220 of my
(Saturday): Today we didn’t have
very many lessons, but a lot of good people who have potential marked other
days to pass. But we met a new family,
who was a reference from a member. The
lesson was INCREDIABLE. At the beginning
of the lesson, she was justifying and talking about her church, and then at the
end, she accepted the baptism challenge and said, “We’ve been searching for
this for a long time.” Her husband was
equally interested, and they asked a lot of questions. My favorite thing to do when we meet new
people with potential is imagine, 5 years form now, missionaries sitting at
their table for lunch, or the parents leaving the temple.
OH! So last night, at 11:00ish, I hear “Elder
McKee! Come Here!” One of the elders wasn’t sleeping, and he
heard what he had thought was rain, so he got up to go look. When he went in the kitchen the floor was
covered in water. We have a water filter
with a rubber line to the sink. The
rubber line is old and brittle, and when it bent it broke. So, he held off the water as best he could
while I took it all apart and fixed it.
All good. 11:30, we finished
cleaning up the water and went ot bed.
10 minutes later it broke again in another spot. So, I ran and disconnected the water. They don’t’ have one for just our apartment,
so I disconnected it for the whole building, which is fine. Then, I found an old rusty bolt and screwed
it as best I could into the hole, reconnected the water, and it only leaked a
little, so we cleaned up the water and went to bed, 12:15. The next morning we went to the store and
bought some new rubber pipe, but they didn’t have any small enough, so I shoved
a small piece of the old into the new, secured it with a zip tie, or a plumbers
clamp on the other end, and put it all back together. I tried to take pictures of it all. It worked perfect. We left for lunch, and then passed by the
house at about 1:30 and it was still good.
We went out, passed close to the house again at 6:00 and decided to
check again. T he kitchen had an inch of water.
Luckily I had thought to close the door and put towels or the whole house
would have been flooded. We had left the
back door open so it could leave.
Unconnected the water again and put the rusty bolt back, this time
putting tape on it so it can’t leak. Then little bit of the old pipe had broken
again. EVERYTHING in the kitchen was
SOAKED. I’m sure I’ll be getting a call
from President about this month’s water bill.
Now we have to wait until Monday, but I already know what to do to fix
it. But now our kitchen is very
clean! Today was day 221 of my mission.



(Sunday): Today was great!! First off, we had church. That’s my favorite part of the week, every
week. Stefani went, too. WOOT WOOT!
Then after we were walking to the house of Welerson, and we passed him
at another house with all his family. So
we sat with them all, talked and little by little everyone was leaving. Then we had a powerful lesson with Welerson
about baptism and confirmation. I asked
him if he read what we had left for him, Alma 32 about comparing the Work of
God to a seed. He said he read it, loved
it, and that it all made sense. He
explained everything he understood form it for us. Then we asked him to explain baptism, and the
purpose. His definition was perfect, and
we invited him to be baptized on the 27, and he accepted, saying he’ll have to
talk to his mom. He asked us to pass by
tomorrow to talk to him and his mother together. AHHH!!
I’m so excited!! As soon as we
left I called Leonardo, the ward mission leader, and we had a mini party over
the phone. Man, it was awesome. And the spirit was so strong. It’s very easy to see how much the spirit is
working in him.
We’re also
receiving a ton of references. The Lord is seeing our hard work, and blessing
us because of it. Today was day 222 of
my mission.
I love you guys!! I’m working hard, and we are definitely seeing the
Love, Elder McKee
His desk
Hair cut time.
Elder Martins doesn't look too sure about this???
Investigators on the mirror?
He took this Brazilian flag with him. Looks like he is having each of his companions sign the edge. Also, his district from the MTC. What a fun idea.