Saturday, June 24, 2017

24 DAYS!!

Dear Family and Leaders:

With great joy we communicate the return home of your Missionary at the end for his/her honorable mission. During the time of his /her service, he/she had served with dedication and love and brought many souls unto Christ.  Please be aware that he/she had fulfilled his mission and is now returning to continue a life of righteousness building over the foundation of Christ.

In the Attachment, you will find a summary of the travel itinerary, including the flight plans so you may take the necessary means to meet him/her and proceed to his release. A Release Certificate was send with the Missionary; it should be given to him/her when released. 

Once again, we would like to express our gratitude for the opportunity of serving with your Missionary during this precious time that he/she dedicated to the service of the Lord.  Without a doubt, he played a fundamental role as an instrument in the Lord’s hands to bring the joy of His Gospel to the Gaucho people. We also thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made to support him/her in the Missionary Field.
We wish him/her a happy and safe return as well as a life filled with joy and blessing from his Mission.

Andréa e Marcelo Louza

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